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  • Writer's pictureLaura Peterson

Episode 18. Speech & Language Issues with Denise Faicco M.S., CCC-SLP

Today on Health in the Hole, we are talking about speech and language and where to get help when you, your kiddos, or relatives have issues. We talk about speech sound errors, something I am all too familiar with as one of those kids who couldn’t say my own name well until I was six. Denise Faicco, our guest today is a speech language pathologist and shares about issues affecting children such as lip and tongue ties, late talkers, and Autism spectrum disorders as well as neurological disorders affecting speech like Parkinson’s and difficulty with words as you might have post-concussion or brain injury.

Denise is a licensed speech-language pathologist who specializes in supporting clients communication & feeding skills from birth and through the entire lifespan. She has clients under 1 year and older than 50. Denise provides services both in-person & through Telehealth in the states of Wyoming, Idaho, California & New York. She is originally from New York where she completed her undergraduate, graduate & clinical fellowship studies. Five years ago, she moved out west where her private practice is based in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Instagram: @threepointstherapy

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